Tagged: Christopher Walken

Movie Review: “Stand Up Guys”

“Stand Up Guys” tells the story of two older guys (Pacino & Walken) who were involved in the criminal underworld back in their heyday.  Pacino just got out of jail and Walken, the only buddy that he has left in the world, is tasked with executing him, by another older crime boss who has been holding the grudge against Pacino for a couple of decades — that’s commitment….I’ve only been alive for a few decades, so the concept of holding a grudge for that long seems remarkable to me.  Kudos.

It is full of situational humor revolving around the fact that these guys are now old men — needing Viagra, on an intense regiment of medications/vitamins, and so forth — trying to have one last hurrah before the scheduled execution.  And, for the most part, I enjoyed the humor because I like both of the actors.  It also touches upon the feelings that come from aging: losing people that you care about; family going off and doing their own thing; looking back on past choices and contemplating if they should have been handled differently.  In that respect, it is a touching movie that is probably relatable to older viewers more so than younger viewers – but, as I begin to exit my 20s, I am able to make a quasi-connection with the sentiments being expressed by the characters.  Life is always changing – people and things come and go, which makes those who are important to you, arguably, the most valuable thing in life that you have.

I’m not going to spoil anything about the movie because it becomes pretty obvious, as the story unfolds, how it is going to end – so I don’t need to spoil anything; you’ll be able to figure it out.  I’m not surprised that this movie did not drum up a lot of attention or recognition but that doesn’t mean it isn’t enjoyable. Could it have been better? Certainly. But if you go in with high hopes of this movie being amazing, then you’re bound to be disappointed.  I don’t think that it was made to be amazing; it was made to have fun.  I disagree with some of the bashing and low ratings it has received, but I suppose we all see things in our own way.

In short: I enjoyed watching it but I would not have paid theater price to have seen it.  It was okay.
